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Console transports

This transport writes output to the console.


You can easily create a console transport with the createConsoleTransport method. The default options are shown below.

const transport = logger.createConsoleTransport({
    destination: 'console',
    formatting: {},
    prefixes: {}


Name Types Description Default
destination 'console' | 'std' Specifies whether output should be sent to the console functions or to stdout. console
formatting InspectOptions Overrides specific options for util.format(). {}
prefixes PrefixGeneratorOptions Customizes prefix generation. {}



This event is emitted when a logger has been attached to the transport.

Argument Types Description
logger Logger The logger that was attached.


This event is emitted when a logger has been detached from the transport.

Argument Types Description
logger Logger The logger that was detached.

File transports

This transport writes output to a log file with automatic rotation.


You can easily create a file transport with the createFileTransport method. The default options are shown below.

const transport = logger.createFileTransport({
    fileName: 'console.log',
    encoding: 'utf8',
    eol: 'lf', // crlf for windows
    formatting: {},
    prefixes: {},
    rotation: {
        dirName: undefined, // defaults to same dir as fileName
        maxFileSize: 16777216, // 16 MiB
        maxArchiveCount: 10,
        maxArchiveAge: 2678400000 // 31 days


Name Types Description Default
fileName string The name or path of the log file. required
encoding string The encoding to use. utf8
eol 'lf' | 'crlf' The line endings to use. crlf for Windows
lf for others
formatting InspectOptions Overrides specific options for util.format(). {}
prefixes PrefixGeneratorOptions Customizes prefix generation. {}
rotation object, false Customizes automatic log rotation. See below

Rotation options:

Name Types Description Default
dirName string? The name or path of the directory for archived logs. Same as log file.
maxFileSize number The maximum size of the log file (in bytes) before rotation. 16777216 (16 MiB)
maxArchiveCount number The maximum number of log archives to keep on the disk. Setting this to 0 will disable this feature. 10
maxArchiveAge number The maximum age of log archives (in milliseconds). Setting this to 0 will disable this feature. 2678400000 (31 days)



This event is emitted when a logger has been attached to the transport.

Argument Types Description
logger Logger The logger that was attached.


This event is emitted when a logger has been detached from the transport.

Argument Types Description
logger Logger The logger that was detached.


This event is emitted when the log file is rotated.

Argument Types Description
file object Details about the rotated log file.


This event is emitted when an archived log file is deleted due to expiry.

Argument Types Description
file object Details about the deleted log file.


This event is emitted when the internal write buffer is emptied.

Closing transports

All transports have a close() method that should be called when the application is being terminated, either by a process.exit() invocation or by an exit signal (such as SIGINT).

The following example will gracefully close all transports that have been attached to the logger.

await Promise.all( => transport.close())

Creating custom transports

Basic template

Transports receive an object each time a logger emits output. This object contains the logger, the logging level, the timestamp, and an array of raw arguments that were passed to the logger.

import { Transport } from '@baileyherbert/logging';

export class CustomTransport extends Transport {

     * Invoked when output is received from an attached logger.
    protected onLoggerOutput(output: LoggerOutput) {


Dealing with promises

In some cases, a transport might need to deliver output asynchronously. You may also need to implement an internal queue to accept new output while still delivering previous output. This responsibility for these lie solely with the transport.

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