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The integrated console and file transports share the same prefix generator. This page documents the various options and customizations for your prefixes.


The default prefix configuration object looks like this:

    includeLabels: true,
    includeLoggerNames: true,
    includeLabelAlignment: true,
    timestamps: {
        includeDates: false,
        includeTimeMillis: true,
        includeTimes: true,
        includeTimeZone: false
    customLabels: {
        trace: 'Trace',
        debug: 'Debug',
        information: 'Info',
        warning: 'Warn',
        error: 'Error',
        critical: 'Critical'
    customBracketColors: undefined,
    customHyphenColors: undefined,
    customTimestampColors: chalk.gray,
    customLabelColors: {
        trace: chalk.reset,
        debug: chalk.magentaBright,
        information: chalk.greenBright,
        warning: chalk.yellowBright,
        error: chalk.redBright,
        critical: chalk.redBright
    customLoggerNameColors: undefined,
    customLoggerBracketColors: undefined


Labels are a textual representation of the log level, such as Information or Debug.


Timestamps showcase the current time, date, and timezone.

Logger names

Logger names, when available, are added after the prefix in their own set of brackets.


All colors can be customized as shown within the defaults above. Each color component can be set to:

  • A function from the chalk library, such as
  • An object containing the various log levels as keys and chalk functions as values.
  • undefined to use the default.

Note that you can use chalk.reset for any color to disable it.

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