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Horizon offers migrations that can be managed both programatically and through the built-in ace command line interface. These migrations allow you to make incremental revisions to your database schemas during development and deployment.

Generating migrations

Use the ace make:migration command to create a new migration file. Enter the name of the migration as its argument. The name is up to you and, while it does not need to be unique, should briefly and accurately describe what the migration does.

For our example, we will create a new users table by running:

php ace make:migration users

This will create a file with the current timestamp and the migration name, like /app/database/migrations/1635902615_users.php. It will also open the file automatically for supported editors.

Migration structure

The generated migration will look something like below. Note that the class name must be unchanged.

use Horizon\Database\Migration;
use Horizon\Database\Migration\Schema;
use Horizon\Database\Migration\Blueprint;

 * Creates the users table.
class Migration_1635902615 extends Migration {

     * Run the migration.
    public function up() {
        Schema::create('users', function(Blueprint $table) {

     * Revert the migration.
    public function down() {


Setting the connection

Horizon allows you to specify multiple database connections in the app/config/database.php file. Migrations can choose which connection to use. The default connection for a migration is main.

class Migration_1635902615 extends Migration {

    protected $connection = 'main';



Run migrations

The migration:run command will execute all outstanding migrations.

php ace migration:run

Roll back migrations

The migration:rollback command is used to revert the most recent migration batch.

php ace migration:rollback

Roll back to a specific batch number with the --batch option. Batches start at 1.

php ace migration:rollback --batch=1

Roll back a specific number of the most recent batches with the --step option. For example, passing 2 will revert the last two migration runs.

php ace migration:rollback --step=2

Roll back all migrations by passing the --all flag or by passing --batch=0.

php ace migration:rollback --all

Drop all tables and migrate

The migration:fresh command will drop all tables and run migrations from the beginning, effectively giving you a fresh start. Be careful though! This will drop all tables in all databases, not just those created via migrations.

php ace migration:fresh

Check migration status

The migration:status command checks and displays the current status of migrations.

php ace migration:status


Creating tables

To create a new database table, use the create() method on the Schema helper. The first argument is the name of the table, and the second argument is a closure that receives and uses a Blueprint instance to build the table.

use Horizon\Database\Migration\Schema;
use Horizon\Database\Migration\Blueprint;

Schema::create('users', function(Blueprint $table) {

Checking for tables and columns

To check if a table or column exists, use the hasTable and hasColumn helper methods.

Schema::hasColumn('users', 'email');

Changing database connections

To change which connection is used for a schema operation, use the connection method.


Changing table options

The engine property on the Blueprint instance can be used to change the storage engine for a specific table.

Schema::create('users', function(Blueprint $table) {
    $table->engine = 'InnoDB';

The charset and collation properties can be used to specifiy the character set and collation for the created table.

Schema::create('users', function(Blueprint $table) {
    $table->charset = 'utf8mb4';
    $table->collation = 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci';

Updating tables

The table() method on the Schema helper can also update existing tables. It works just like the create() method for creating new tables.

Schema::table('users', function (Blueprint $table) {

Renaming tables

The rename() method can be used to rename an existing table.

Schema::rename('from', 'to');

Dropping tables

You can use the drop and dropIfExists methods to drop tables.


Migrations API

Horizon offers a class to programatically interact with and query state for migrations in the application.

use Horizon\Database\Migrator;

$migrator = new Migrator();
$migrator->dryRun = false;
$migrator->direction = Migrator::DIRECTION_UP;

$migrations = $migrator->getMigrations();

For example, you can check when a migration was executed using the getMigrationTime() method. This will return null if the migration hasn't been executed yet.

$migration = $migrations[0];

if ($migrator->getMigrationTime($migration) == null) {
    // The migration hasn't run yet

The full API is currently undocumented, but there are methods to do just about anything, including running migrations.

The ace commands listed above use this migrator class directly. Feel free to look at their source code to learn more about its capabilities and usage.