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Installing from a template

Horizon's repository offers two different starter templates suitable for different types of projects. The recommended means of initializing a new project is to use one of these templates.

Shared template

The shared starter is best for distributed applications that need to run in unpredictable environments. This starter works in subdirectories and does not need rewrite rules.

npx degit baileyherbert/horizon/starters/shared
composer install -d horizon

Dedicated template

The dedicated starter is best for private projects where the developer has full control of the environment or will be deploying with Docker. Traffic must be pointed to the public directory, and rewrite rules should always be enabled.

npx degit baileyherbert/horizon/starters/dedicated
composer install


Horizon's documentation is largely based on the shared template, which uses a different file structure than the dedicated template. For example, while the shared template can have two different vendor directories, the dedicated template only has one.

Installing from source

The latest release can be fetched from the repository on GitHub. Download these files and extract them into your project's public directory. Next, open a terminal in the same directory, and run this command:

composer install -d horizon

Installing the ace tool

Installing the ace command line tool globally is recommended to aid with development. This tool helps with generating new source files, building the app, running your own custom commands, and more.

composer global require baileyherbert/ace